Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's a Bloghop Party with Giveaways!!

Happy Saturday everyone! And what better way to kick off the weekend then with a giveaway! Michele Foster, aka Mishka, over at The Quilting Gallery is hosting a blog hop with giveaways, how fun is that?! Not just my blog but a whole lotta different blogs and chances to win!

This Bloghop starts on Sunday, August 26th and will run thru Monday, Sept 3rd.

There will be nothing to purchase and entry will be simple!! Interested?
What are you giving away, you ask?

Well since I just posted my first tutorial yesterday on my Very Merry Christmas Pillow, I thought you might like the chance to win some of that cute fabric and Pearle Cotton, so you could make your own pillow.
Seems like a pretty good deal, free instructions, free fabric and embroidery threads, you just need to provide the sewing machine and needle!

So here's what is included in my giveaway:

These are rough fat eighths (largest 10 x 22 and smallest 5 x22) of 7 different fabrics - 5 of Aneela Hoey Cherry Christmas by Moda along with Kona white and med grey. Plus 5 skeins of coordinating embroidery thread for handstitching. This will be plenty to make your pillow top (or what ever little fun project you have in mind). Sound good? This giveaway is open to all worldwide!

To enter, starting tomorrow, go to:

The list of bloggers participating in the Blog Hop Party will be made available Sunday morning, August 26th, shortly after midnight, Eastern time. Return there to start hopping and entering the give-aways from your fellow quilters.

Since this is the Back to School Blog Hop, to enter, you just need to leave me a comment on your favorite teacher - and why he or she was your favorite. Teachers have such an impact on kids and adults too!

Good Luck!!  Make it a great day!


Edited to make links to Quilting Gallery Blog Hop clickable. Thanks!


  1. My favorite teacher was Mr. Alexander - a high school science teacher. He challenged us to be our best and made us work harder than any other teacher at the school - such a valuable lesson for a high-schooler to see what she is truly capable of accompleshing. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. My favorite teacher was Mr. Fujita. He was my math teacher. When his daughter was little, she would come to school every once and a while and hoard his chalk. He never got mad. He just kept extra boxes stashed so she'd have her pile and he could still teach.

  3. My favorite teacher was Ms. McDougal. She taught English, and her lectures were amazing! She made mandatory reading exciting, which, let's face it, can be difficult, especially when you're talking The Grapes of Wrath with 11th graders. Most importantly of all, she explained to me just how cool the English language can be and how important literature is to our culture. Because of her, I got my degree in English/Creative Writing, and I'm so glad I did. :)

  4. Oh it is so longggggggggggggggggggggg ago that I was at school.
    I do remember a very nice teacher who tuaght us music.. Sister Teresa. She was always genlte and kind and didn't have a cane....LOL.

    would love to win your great giveaway snd stitch a Christmas Pillow.
    thank you.

  5. My favorite teacher teacher me how to sew :) I admired her.m

  6. My favorite "teacher" has to be my awesome family. They have taught me more in my life (and continue to do so) than I could have ever learned in school - compassion, understanding, love, forgiveness, how to laugh at myself, manners and the list goes on and on.

  7. My favorite teacher was Mr. Muntzy from the 4th grade. I learned so much and he made everything so much fun!

  8. My favorite teacher is my best friend. She is a high school social studies teacher and her students love her. Se really knows how to talk to kids.

  9. My favourite teacher was my history teacher. He just made those lessons so interesting and cool. It was just so great!

  10. My favourite teacher was Mrs Ellis - she taught me to sew when I was 8!

  11. i had polio the summer before my first year of high school and had a home teacher for that year ... we fought, laughed, cried, but i learned to enjoy reading and learning!

  12. My favorite teacher was probably my 6th grade math. She made math so much fun and helped me out in so many ways, more than just learning! She was amazing!!!

  13. Thanks for the chance! My favorite teacher was Mrs. Savage, my sixth grade teacher. Most people didn't like her because she wouldn't let you get away with anything. But she was fun.

  14. it's been 50 years i don't remember thanks i follow you

  15. Mr. Bobzin was my seventh grade teacher, and he encouraged me in my dream to become a teacher too. I owe him a lot.

    Thanks so much for offering the wonderful giveaway, Ginny!

  16. My favorite teacher was my high school English teacher. She was an inspiration to me and has made a large impact on my life

  17. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Corona. She was my senior year English teacher. I remember her making Shakespeare fun, I actually enjoyed reading it, even though it did take a lot of work just to understand what he was trying to say. I still try to keep in touch with her, even six years later!

  18. Mine was Miss Robinson. She was so cool, wore neat clothes and was fabulous at musical instruments

  19. Mr Kukarudza or Mr K as we called him was my favourite. He taught high school art class and was so calm and lovely.

  20. Mr. Anderson, my accounting teacher in HS. We would ask to have class outside and he'd turn off the lights and throw water at us and tell us that'll help us cool down. He was great.

  21. your pillow is adorable. thanks for a chance to win the kit. I love doing handwork. I don't remember a favorite teacher but I do remember I did not like my algebra teacher in the 7th grade.

  22. Mrs.Page, my grade 2 teacher. She was the kindest teacher/person I can remember from my childhood with exception to my family. She always had a smile on her face.
    Thank you for the chance

  23. A minha primeira professora Sra.IARA,ótima pessoa e tenho saudades dela

  24. My favourite teacher was called Miss Richards and since I can still remember her name after 40 years, you can tell she had an impact. I had just started a new school in a new country at the age of 6 and she couldn't have helped me more to settle in. She also encouraged me to take part in the talent eisteddfod and I got second place for singing and first place for poetry reading.

  25. My third grade teacher Miss Peterson was my favorite teacher. During class we earned stars for different things. And when we reached a certain number we got to go to her house for dinner. Back in the 70's it was safe to do that. She was the coolest teacher EVER!

  26. Miss Rosemary, 2nd grade patient and fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. Miss Cole, my Kindergarten teacher. She made everything special and fun! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  28. My favorite teacher was my 6th grade teacher Miss Maitlin. Very creative and supportive teacher. Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. My favorite teacher was MR. Adde he was my 10th grade teacher and encouraged me to go to college and just accept that I was going to be a teacher. I told him there was no way, but he was right, I ended up becoming a teacher.

  30. I had so many wonderful teachers! I think Ms. Smith, who taught me high school English, had the most influence on me.

  31. My favorite teacher was 7th grade, Mrs. Cole. She nurtured my love of language and reading!

  32. My favorite teacher was Mr. Monday. He taught Biology and Chemistry. He was THE toughest teacher I ever had but he sparked something. I eventually got a degree in Chemistry.

  33. My favorite teacher was Ms. Warner. She made Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Earth Science fun. She also taught me that it was ok to be different. Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. Hi Ginny, thanks for visiting and following me! I love your give away its so cute! I had a cool geaography teacher, she made it interesting and was funny! Nice to link up with you !

  35. My family has been the best teachers throughout my life. Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. My favourite teacher was Miss Watts - inspired me to think about the world around me in a different way x

  37. My favorite teacher was my 5th grade math teacher Mrs. Funderburke. She was not well liked as she was rather strict and really didn't tolerate any B.S. I liked her though and she was a fantastic teacher. Call me a teacher's pet I guess, but she liked me as I was her best student, and I really respected her.

  38. Ohh Frau Engel - first and second grade ... the only subject I didn't like those two years was swimming - she didn't teach that one.

  39. G'Day from Australia! Lovely giveaway - fun Christmas fabric and pretty thread. I had many favorite teachers. One of them was Mrs. Davis, my third grade teacher.

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  40. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Gage, my 8th grade English teacher. She actually made learning grammar fun. I have never forgotten her.

  41. With love from Russia! I am a follower! Thank you!

  42. My favourite teacher was my 6th grade maths teacher - she just gave us all the confidence that we could do maths and that it was fun!

  43. My favourite teacher was my English teacher, Mrs Perry. She was such fun, and so human - she shared more of herself with us than most teachers, seemed to care more. She is one of the reasons I became a teacher myself. Lovely fabrics, thanks for the chance.

  44. My favourite teacher was my second grade teacher - she was so kind and caring. She was one of the reasons I wanted to be a teacher myself!

    Thank you for a fabulous giveaway!

  45. My favorite teacher was my high school literature teacher. It bus because of her that I now teach.  Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize.

  46. My favorite teacher was my HS science teacher, Mr.C. He was fun, interesting, and had a good sense of humor. I learned the most from him.

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  47. That was a long time ago! Hard to remember names from over 30 years ago. My fav subject was always music. I loved to sing, and still do. It always made me feel good and was a good break between those nasty three RRRs. Lol

  48. LOVE the prize pack!! Thank you for the chance to win!

    I had SO many wonderful teachers! One of my most favorite is my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. C. She made school SO much fun! We had music every day, and she read to us-- "Charlotte's Web", "Little Britches",... But one of the things that I loved about her the most was that she had the most amazing craft lessons-- we made paper mache' (sp?) Easter Rabbits, African Masks, and globes of the earth. For one of our Science lessons, we made a volcano -- and I got to light it! :-) We made a pinata and everyone brought candy to fill it with... such amazing memories of that year... I need to send Mrs. C a card to tell her how much I loved her class..... Thanks for reminding me of that wonderful year!

  49. My favourite teacher was my kindergarten teacher Sister Mary John, she was sweet & kind & a really great teacher. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  50. My favourite teacher was Frau Rieger my German teacher :) She was so much fun!

  51. I went to Catholic grade school. Sister Luana Marie was special. Lots of nuns in those days were mean. Not Sister Luana Marie - she was my sixth grade teacher. She was great! She made learning fun and she never yelled - just calmly explained why or why not - thanks Sister Luana Marie.

  52. I think I would have to say Miss Moss in grade 1.

  53. Favorite teachers were my high-school A.P. English teachers, Mr. Jones and Mr. Mayo. They were just decent adults without trying too to be hip, and yet able to bridge a "generation gap."

  54. Favorite teacher, that is a hard one. It has been a long time since I was in school. I would say, Mr. Swingholm, biography. He gave me lots of secrets about my older brother what he did in school.

  55. Can I be a total sap and say my favorite teacher is my husband, who teaches anatomy at our two local colleges? ;) If not, then I'll go with Mr. Anthony, my 9th grade English teacher, because he gave us so much time to read whatever we'd like in his class, and I was a HUGE reader at hte time! :) Thank you for the chance to win such a generous giveaway.

  56. Mrs. Omdahl. First grade. She was mean.. and made me practice my penmanship. LOL. But, I still remember her today.. And she made us read Little House on the Prairie. Then the show came on TV. It told my parents.. we HAD to watch it.
    It became my favorite show EVER.

  57. My 8th grade math teacher, he was dreamy.

  58. I had many teachers that I really liked but I guess my favorite teacher was Mr. Bass. He made History fascinating. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  59. My fAvorite teAcher was Miss Robinson. I was in 1st grade and it was her first year teaching. I just thought she was amazing. Great giveaway!! Thanks for the chance.

  60. My favorite teacher was my second grade teacher, Miss Lamb. She was so sweet. I found you through the blog hop and I am now following you by email. I look forward to receiving your great posts. Thanks for the giveaway! It's very generous of you.

  61. My favorite teacher was Miss Lommers, my 1st grade teacher. She was very caring and sweet to me at a time when I really needed it!

  62. Mr. Baker- he taught us so much about the world and current events.

  63. First I love that fabric and one can never have to many skeins of embroidery floss!

    My favorite teacher was my 3rd grade teacher. Mrs. Mason. She was the most fair and even handed teacher there ever was. She was free with praise and hugs and if she had favorites she never showed who they were.

    Thanks for a chance to win!

  64. I had a lot of favorite teachers. But my the one I remember best is Ms. Walker. I was a shy kid, but she really pulled me out of my shell. I even starred in my first grade play thanks to her.

  65. My favorite teacher or, at least, the first favorite teacher, was Mrs. Esther Lebo. She was my first grade teacher and soothed my tears when I cried because she didn't teach me to read the first day of school! She assured me I'd be reading in a few weeks; she was right, but, goodness, waiting until I could actually do it was sooooo hard!

  66. My favourite teacher was my kindergarten teacher, because she was so nice.

  67. My favorite teacher was my mom who told me to just relax and be me.

  68. I love mathematic and the teacher too. thank you for this chance. hugs Alessandra

  69. My favorite teacher had us grade ourselves midterm - we had to give reasons too. Made me realize the most important person to please was myself, and that I was highly critical of my work - maybe too critical.

  70. my favorite teacher was in grade 5...she was one tough lady; but very fair.

  71. thanks for the giveaway-my favorite teacher was mr. potts who was my 5th grade teacher and my first guy teacher-i was scared at first but he proved to be a great teacher!

  72. My favorite teacher was my kindergarten teacher, but i'm spacing on her name right now. I think it was Mrs. Davis. I mostly remember that she made learning a lot of fun and set a example for what school should be like.

  73. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Mackey in the 6th grade. She would give all her students hugs all the time. I loved it! of course this was in the old days when these things were allowed.

  74. Mrs. Tumillo was one of my favorite teachers. She taught business classes and I really learned to type well. That is one skill that has stood the test of time!!

  75. Wow, that's making me test my memory. My favorite teacher was Mr. Kimball. He was a computer teacher and he wore a tuxedo to school every Friday. He was funny.

  76. My favorite teacher was Mr Mitchell. He made all subjects come alive. Especially history. To this day I love history becasue of him.

  77. My favourite teacher was Mrs. Lobb. She was such a fun, warm hearted lady.

  78. My 2 best friends are my favorite teachers.. knowing the time away from school that they put into providing a great and fun education for their students is really inspiring.

  79. my favorite teacher was Miss Handbury. I ended up having her for 3 years straight each year she would take a new grade. I think I was her pet and I always felt so special because I would be able to clean the chalk board and clean the erasers. LOL Thanks for the fun give away.

  80. Thanks so much I really enjoyed my sewing teacher. This was so many years ago I am afraid I forgot her name. Thanks for the chance to win.

  81. My favourite teacher was the music teacher, even though I never did music! He was so cool and funny and let me gatecrash a lot of the Year 12 music classes as I had a free then and the rest of my friends were in music. Not to mention a little cute, haha!

  82. My 4th grade English teacher, Mr. Jones. He spent a lot of time building my self-esteem and praising my writing. He gave me a life-long love of reading and writing.
    shel704 at aol dot com

  83. Guess my favorite teacher was Mrs Quinn, my 5th grade teacher. That was the year I learned to sew, I rememder wearing a dress I made and she fussed over it all day. A great encourager! I love love love the pillow.

  84. My fourth grade teacher was my favorite. She was tall and willowy and she has just stuck with me all these years.

  85. Mrs. Scarborough was my junior high choir teacher. She had high standards for all of us and pushed us to have high standards for ourselves in everything. She gave so much of herself to all of us.

  86. My Year 12 History teacher inspired me to become a teacher.

  87. My favourite teacher is my Physics teacher.... He was funny and Physics doesnt seem so bad when he taught us:)

  88. My favorite teacher was my high school art teacher. It was so many years ago that I can not recall her name. Thank you for the great giveaway!

  89. I'm a new follower. Nice to *meet* you. :) My favorite teacher was my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. McGregor. She just had a way with kids and making them feel that they could do anything. Thanks for the chance to win!

  90. My Jr High science teacher is the one I remember having the biggest impact on my life. I think his class was the first one I was in where the teacher did not talk down to us.

  91. My favourite teacher was Mrs Britten who helped my love of English Literature develop. She made even the texts we had to study for exams interesting!

  92. My favorite teacher was Th. - because he made a huge difference. He made me believe in my skills

  93. My favourite teacher was Miss Duffy in Primary School she had the patience of a saint but was fun with it.

  94. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Dugan....she read aloud to us every afternoon for 30 minutes.

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  95. My favourite teacher was a high school English teacher. I credit her with a lot of my love of reading!

  96. I have fond memories of the dear woman, that taught me to quilt. She has since passed away. I am so grateful that she encouraged me from the beginning. I was probably her worst student...didn't even know how to thread a sewing machine or fill a bobbin. Today, I am passionate about quilting, thanks to Judi!

  97. I had so many favorite teachers! Really! Mrs. Welby, Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Scwartz, Mr. Saltzer, Mr. Traver. All of them were outstanding and went the extra mile to help me out at one time or another!!!

  98. My favorite teacher was Mrs Anderson as I had her for 6 years in a one room country school and 2 more years when I went to town to school:) Thanks for the chance to win:)

  99. My favorite teacher was Mrs Sturgis from 3rd grade. She came to my rollar-skating b-day party. She was awesome!

  100. My favorite teacher was Mr. DeSalvatore from 3rd grade. Everyone loved him - he was one of those teachers you just wanted to go to school to see because he was so nice and fun. Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. My favorite teacher was Mr. Boulrisse, one of my high school math teachers. He was a bit of a bear, and accepted no excuses, but by the end of high school, I LOVED MATH! And I was really good at it. Thank you, Mr. Boulrisse!

  102. My favorite teacher was Ms. Pruzan, and I had her for both 1st and 3rd grade. True I found out later she was not preparing us one bit for future years (aka we never had any homework so 4th grade was stressful!) but I got to do a lot of reading, and she had interesting experiments and playing with worms, and we'd traipse through the neighborhood looking for spider webs so we could spray paint them onto a piece of paper to capture the design!

  103. My grade 4 teacher - she was all round and snuggly - called all of us dear and really felt like your favourite grandmother. Thanks for the opportunity on the kit giveaway and good luck to all the participants.

  104. My favorite teacher, wow that's a tough one, it's been soooooooooooo long!!

    Probably kindergarten Mrs. Phillips. She was a sweetheart and old!! (probably the age I am now-lol!!) I do remember she used to make mistakes while playing the piano and just laugh it off. That's the way to roll through life....

    thanks for the fun!!

  105. Mr. Richardson, my high school band teacher for giving me confidence to take on leadership roles.

  106. My favorite teacher was my 2nd grade teacher Ms. Bracey. She inspired confidence in everyone and kept up with all her students through graduation.

  107. Mrs. Mac Donald who we referred to as Jeep , never did learn why that was her nickname but she was a fabulous math teacher(11and 12) and lots of fun .Thanks for the chance to win.

  108. I'd love to enter, and my favorite teacher was Mrs. Wimbush in 5th grade. I think of her often.

  109. My current favorite teacher is also my advisor. I'm attending Penn State Dubois and she is really easy to work with and understanding when you have problems. She always has time for her students.

  110. My HomeEc teacher was my favorite. She recongized my interest in sewing and helped me with extra projects outside of class.

  111. Old man Hinky was my favorite teacher he was a creative writing instructor in high school. He always told you exactly what you had to do and gave extra credit for being creative in breaking his rules.

  112. Oh that is easy! My favorite teacher was my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Nickel. She told us the first day, "I'm only worth one nickel, so don't call me Mrs. Nickles!" She had traveled extensively and knew EVERYTHING; she was fascinating. She brought in souvenirs from her travels, and I fell in love with Japan the moment I touched her colorful kimono and other beautiful items! She opened my eyes to the world around me, and I will never forget her!

  113. Mr tipple was my earth science class. I should have taken adv chemistry but I love earth tipple was awesome, he recognized my love for the lass and treated me accordingly

  114. My favorite teacher was my Latin teacher in high school. She always expected us to do our best and encouraged us in everything.

  115. I was blessed to have my favorite teacher for 1st, 2nd and half of 4th grade. Her name was Mrs. Delaney. She was really strict, but worked very hard to keep us all challenged. I loved her and think of her still. She instilled in me a incredible love of learning that has followed me for many years.

  116. Mrs. Abigail Gross, Roosevelt Jr. High School, Beloit, Wisconsin - 8th grade math. She saw through my bad attitude and strange ways to the hurt girl underneath, and encouraged me. I wish more people had been able to do that...would have saved me loads of grief before I finally worked things out in my 30's. I'd love to know what happened to her, and let her know how much I appreciated her, but the school closed and I have no idea.

  117. Mrs. Allred. I think she was my 3rd or 4th grade teacher. I loved her because she had couches in her room to read to and played whale songs in the background. Helped me love books and the ocean.

  118. Her name was Mrs. Thomas and since I grew up poor, she bought me the cutest sneakers and matching jacket. She forever changed my life!

  119. I had lots of favourite teachers, I loved school all the way through the different ages and stages. One of my favourite teachers was Mrs Ennals who taught me french from age 9 to 13. She just opened up a whole new subject for me and was a really fair teacher. Thank you for the beautiful giveaway.

  120. Mr. b - my year 6 teacher who made absolutely everything fun!

  121. I think my favourite teacher was DGS's teacher (when he was about 7). He would often come in to school dressed as a character from a childrens book, like Willy Wonka,and he just makes school fun for all the kids in his class.

  122. Mrs. Stallings, my first grade teacher, was a blue haired, red lipstick wearing sweetheart who started my love of reading by introducing me to Dick and Jane. I sure miss her. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

  123. my maths teacher was my favourite, he treated us like adults and inspired us at 12 years of age

  124. My very first teacher had the same name as me, so I just had to love her!
    Gun, Sweden

  125. My favorite teacher was my AP US History teacher in HS because she inspired me even more to become a teacher, AND she made me fall in love with history! (and I changed from wanting to teach English to Social Studies) :)

  126. My favorite teacher was a woman who taght me to work with textile/fabrics in so many ways! It was so inspiring, I never stoped crafting anymore! As I am a teacher myself at primary school I hope to be such an unforgetable teacher.....

  127. My favorite teacher was my home ec teacher who was very patience with us.

  128. My sixth grade teacher Mrs. Shissler... she was so important in my life, My mom was gone and my grand mother had just passed away and she helped me though it all..

  129. My Favorite teacher was Mrs. Lott. She was my teacher in first grade and was the first person to start to teach me to speak Spanish.

  130. My favorite teacher was Mr. Luker. He was always your friend and a great teacher. :)

  131. My favourite teacher was Miss Frankham - she believed in me.

  132. My favorite was my science teacher Mr. Holste who created advanced, customized science classes just for me.

  133. My fav teacher was my Coach and she also taught other classes, but I needed in my life, because she loved me and cared. My family life was bad, so she supported me and helped me, I am 48 and we are still dear friends, I went to visit her this summer and she still has the football I decorated for her and we keep in touch, now through FB but it use to be snail mail.

  134. My favorite teacher was Ms. Anderson, my journalism teacher. She treated me like a young adult and not a child. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

  135. My favorite teacher is Eleanor Burns, because she revolutionized my quilting with her Quilt in a Day method!!

  136. Mrs. Murphy, my first grade teacher. I was a bright, nerdy kid who wanted to talk books with the adults not the kids. She would walk with me at recess and let me chatter away. I wonder now, as a mom, did she really listen or just smile and nod?

  137. My favorite teacher was my band teacher in high school! He was so passionate about his music and passed it onto all of us. And he always made us feel like we were important and a vital part of making the music. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  138. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Cribbs. I had her for second grade. She was always very nice and she would always see when Kurt would pull my hair during class. I just thought she is just about the only teacher I really remember.

  139. My favourite teacher was Mrs Brown. She was so nice, fun and it showed she liked being there teaching us. I had her for 2 years in primary school.

  140. My fave was Mrs. Jackson. Sweer, nice, and friendly

  141. I have had a couple of teachers that I have loved but I will go with my first teacher. She was my kindergarten (age 4 prior to school) teacher. Her name was Prue and she was wonderful. I would have done anything she asked and I know that she is the reason that I am a kindergarten teacher now. She is the person that instilled a love a learning into my life and she is the reason why I have such positive memories of my first schooling experience.

  142. My favorite teacher was a college Humanities professor... history is not always my things, but he just made it come alive with the most interesting lectures I could ever dream of, and such a kind man as well. winterwrens at gmail dot com

  143. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Mills, my teacher for grades 3 through 6, and also the principal of our 2-room schoolhouse. Mrs. Mills was a 4 four 2 inch dynamo of a lady, and I learned so much from her. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  144. Miss Brockway was my favorite teacher. she made a shy girl feel like she was smart and important.

  145. II was fortunate to have several, so fortunate that I am a teacher now myself! Nowadays, I love teacher Tom's blog.

  146. I love Aneela Hoey!
    My favorite teacher was my Catalan teacher, she was great and thinking about it now, she really prepared her lessons so well.

  147. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Powell- kind, gracious, polite, and encouraging. We wanted to be just like her.

  148. My favorite teacher was my English teacher, Mrs. Brown. She was a great teacher and I loved anything to do with reading.

  149. My fave teacher was Miss Hart in kindergarten, scooping me up in her arms and rocking me bawling my eyes out on my first day of school! awolk at rogers dot com

  150. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Black - I remember thinking she was the prettiest lady I had ever seen back in the 2nd grade!

  151. Mrs. Marta, she brought english lite to life.

  152. My favorite teacher was Mr. David Gray. He was my 6th grade teacher. Why? Because he was nice, ge listened to us, he was explained thing, he was fair, treated us all like we were human.. In general he cared... Oh and it helped that he was handsome..he had movie star looks.. He also acted in his spare time.. And has been in several movies.. Really..he was the Doctor in Coal Miners Daughter, he has a profile on IMDB.COM

    He us retired now but still nice

    Thank you for the giveaway
    llmgabbard60 at Gmail dot com

  153. Mrs. Black, my kindergarten teacher, was my favorite of all. She was fun & interesting and she made it easy to go to school.

  154. I would have to choose Mrs. Berkey (wow, I just realized I'm not sure that's exactly her name - or how to spell it.) She was my first grade teacher. She is special because she was also my Dad's teacher when he was little. She was grandmotherly and the perfect person to teach first grade :)

  155. Mrs Finster, 1st grade. She was always a witch for Halloween and she had the nose for it! Loved her. Thanks.

  156. My grade 4 teacher. She had her brother come in and talk to us about his visit and work in Africa. Thanks for the giveaway!

  157. Mr Gore who taught me geography and inspired me to love traveling around this country!

  158. My fav. teacher was college professor, she was my adviser and department chair. loved that lady.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  159. My High School English Teacher - Mrs. Strict - she was full of wonderful book knowledge and lots of life knowledge which back in the days could be shared with students. Thanks for the chance!!!

  160. The teacher that I remember the most is my third grade teacher - Mrs. Vaughn. She was the one that really sparked my interest in school. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

  161. My favorite teacher was the literature teacher- she knew how to make even boring and mandatory stories and books- intersting and easy for understanding... I remember her the most out of all my teachers during the years... :) thanks for the great givaway chance!

  162. My favourite teacher taught me the value of poetry. Thanks for the giveaway.

  163. My favorite high-school teacher would be in Home Economics. I cannot remember her name but she did teach you to sew and to cook. That was a cool class. You made an outfit for yourself after purchasing the material and you learned how to make really good Creole Beans. I am so glad you joined the Blog Hop. You have the cutest giveway. One you do something. Good for you. I hope you meet a lot of new friends and new followers.

    Sandi T.

  164. Hmmm I didn't have a lot of those. In grade 10 in high school I was a bit of a difficult kid. I started the year with an English teacher who was an older spinster woman. The first day in the class she called me out of the room and told me that she knew about me and that I had better not act up in her class. I was hurt and insulted and I went to the principal and complained that she was not even giving me a chance. She apologised the next day and admitted she had been wrong. We got along very well and I enjoyed her class. She loved books, which I did as well, so we had something to share.

  165. Wow....went to lots of different schools (in Foster Care long while)....only truly remember my 1st Grade teacher. Mrs. Petite. She was like a Grandma....treated me so nice....guess that's why I remember her over all these years.

    Thanks for chance to win your your Drawing! :)

  166. My two favorite teachers were my dad - an elementary school teacher - and my mom - a music teacher! We have a bunch of other teachers in my extended family, and I love them all, too!

  167. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Brittain in first grade! She loved teaching and kept my attention and it is because of her enthusiasm that I love to read. I was also fortunate to have her move into our neighborhood and lived only three houses from us. I would frequently go visit her. Thank you for the chance to win!

  168. i loved my second grade teacher- she did this doodle on all our papers and her classroom that was a big-nosed smiley face, and i loved to see them on my spelling tests! i still know how to make them too.

  169. I'm originally from Denmark and my favorite teacher was at different times my english, german and drama teacher. He was awesome, inbetween classes he'd trade computer games with the boys (and me), in drama class he was the best, we had to perform Cinderella at prom night (where the whole school attends) well the evil step mom got sick that morning, so my drama teacher had to play her role, so just imagine a guy with dark hair, a mustache and Hmm hairy legs in a purple pleated skirt, playing the step mom.... it ended up being hilarious! plus he was ad libbing everything!! I'm friends with him in FB and still send him Christmas cards every year.

  170. Favorite sewing teacher was my aunt who started me on the road to loving & using fabrics!!

  171. Mr Matthews my history teacher, he was young, cool and an amazing teacher

  172. What a lovely give away. My favorite teacher was grade 3 Mrs. Dennis. She love to play the piano and sing. She was fun, kind and instilled in me a love for books.

  173. My favourite teacher was my French teacher Miss Stewart in grade 9. She must have made a deep impression because I can't remember the names of any other teacher in high school. (But that was over 50 years ago!)

  174. My favorite teacher was my first grade teacher Mrs. Fosdick. She was a tiny little lady with a soft voice who loved children and never yelled at them. A perfect first grade teacher to have.

  175. Mr. Harper, my 7th grade history teacher was 'da bomb'.

  176. Loved my 4th grade teacher...she was gruff and a no nonsense lady. I love order and quiet in a class. She gave me my first chapter books to read...the Little House on the Prairie series. I was hooked on reading ever after!

  177. Mr Potts was our history teacher and memorable!

  178. Had many but one that left lasting impressions was Miss Jimmie Jo. english teacher. thanks for the giveaway.

  179. My Year 11/12 maths teacher! Took time out of her lunch breaks to tutor me!

  180. My favourite teacher was when I very first started school, she really made it fun and I was so happy when I learned I was having her the next year too!

  181. It is hard to choose my favorite teacher but my favorite grade school teacher was Ms. Rigby. She loved books and was a warm and nurturing teacher. She loved books and shared her books with us.
    Thanks for participating in the blog hop. There are lots of interesting blogs to read and new to me bloggers too.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  182. I had lots of favorites. I suppose if I had to pick one, she was my 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Boner.

  183. My favorite teacher was my 6th grade teacher. Ms. Stepanik came to my home 1-2 times a week for three months after school. I had been in a major car accident and she made sure I kept up with the class until I was able to return.

  184. My favorite was my 5th grade teacher Mrs Tollefson. She was full of energy, demanded our attention and respect, and we shared the same birth day in July. She'd call me every summer on my birthday and wish me a happy day!

  185. Mrs Zutavern, she said I was smart, the nicest thing a teacher has ever said to me.

  186. Mr. Dressler, Science teacher. He made it easy for me to participate and enjoy his class even though I was very shy.

  187. Mr.Wallace, he always hand wrote a message on my computer generated report card.

  188. Mr. Johnston(7th) because he let us work at our own speed...something that was not common way back when. Thanks to him, the class was way ahead of the other 7th grade classes. It certainly took the boring out of school!

  189. My favourite teacher was Maryvonne de Groot... she gave arts and crafts.....

  190. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Payne in the 4th grade ;) Thanks for the chance to win :)

  191. H stoneback. Taught me discipline to write

  192. My favorite teacher was my reading teacher and she also taught me piano - Mrs. Press. I still love reading and music and she was a great influence to me. thank you for the generous giveaway.

  193. My favourite teacher was the science teacher in our school. We'd just emigrated from Holland to Canada, and he tried to help by talking some Dutch as well. But his classes were always really interesting, too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  194. My favourite teacher was Mrs Clarke, she was my form tutor and Science teacher.
    She wasn't loud, she wasn't strict, but the respect that every one had for her and her husband (he also taught science) was immense, I miss her very much x
    J x

  195. Miss Simpson, 4th grade - she was so pretty and young and we all loved her

  196. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Naylor, my geometry teacher. Math was one of my favorite subjects and she was such a nice person.
    Thanks for a great giveaway. It's funny to see Fish Creek Studios as I live about a mile away from Fish Creek Church here in Missouri.

  197. Mr Fosch, my 5th grade teacher. He made me feel important and recognized my artistic leanings, way back when. (over 40 years ago) Thanks for participating in the blog hop with such a wonderful prize too!

  198. Ms Fiegel, high school biology. Opened my eyes to all SORTS of animals!! I still "talk" to her on FB!

  199. Our 8th grade English teacher made school fun and was all of our class favorite teacher.


Thanks for the comment! I love hearing from you!