
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ode to Fall

Today we interrupt the usual quilty good programming to pay homage to a beautiful weekend here in Northeast Indiana....

I know I promised I would post about my SewSewModern 3 swap and improve piecing and I will, I promise - the post has already been drafted!

But it has been a gorgeous weekend here. DS #1 has been here and we have been working on cleaning up the yard, lake toys, and getting ready for winter in general, which we know is coming. But in between cleaning up we have had time for grilling out and one last boat ride. Here are some scenes from our day. It is days like these that leave me in awe and give me a deep sense of contentment. Days where I count my blessings for a great family and the beauty in this world. Enjoy!

                            A Great Blue Herron looking for a fresh fish lunch in the shallows.


                                                          My dear faithful friend, Tucker.

And what am I doing with all this inspiration?

Welcome to my soon-to-be Modern Maples quilt! I was struck by the changing autumn colors last week as I drove back and forth to work. I had seen these gorgeous quilts on InstaGram and around the web and knew I just had to join in! Debbie from A Quilters Table has fun Flickr group Falling for Modern Maples here! There is still plenty of time to get in on the fun. There is no time limit, join and quilt as you can. Yes, this weekend just confirmed it.....Modern Maples here I come!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Happy Stitching!

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  1. You aren't kidding when you say how gorgeous it is there. Our leaves haven't really started to turn yet but I'm looking forward to it anxiously. And here is Modern Maples again . . . maybe I need to just jump right on that bandwagon too! Your fabric choices are gorgeous!

  2. Great photos Ginny, what wonderful inspiration for your quilt too.


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